Thursday, February 7, 2013

Universitas Magistrorum et Scholarium

Universitas Magistrorum et Scholarium

  • Our Community of Teachers and Scholars

Another calendar year has come to an end and like many educators around the world, we have closed one chapter and begun another in our journey to support the learning of our "scholars." Last semester, quarter, or term is over - our students took a much deserved break - and most are back at it.

With the beginning of a new term, this is also a time when many are considering the accomplishments of the past semester or past year. As most staff and faculty in higher education are very, very busy - maybe a bit of context as you reflect on the last semester/year - and move forward into spring semester and what 2013 has to offer.

Consider our beginnings... 

The University of Bologna, by all reasonable accounts, was founded in 1088. That date, 1088, provides us all with a sign post in time per se~
  • 1088 - One thousand five hundred seventy-four (1574) or so years after the time of Gautama Buddha
  • 1088 - One thousand and ninety-two (1092) or so years after the birth of Jesus
  • 1088 - Five hundred and eighteen (518) years  after the birth of Muhammed
  • 1088 - Eighty-seven (87) years  after Leif Erickson settles in present day Canada
  • 1088 - One hundred and thirty-nine (139) years before Genghis Khan dies
  • 1088 - Four hundred and four (404) years before Columbus comes to North America
  • 1088 - Five hundred and forty-eight (548) years before the founding of Harvard College (present day Harvard University)
  • 1088 - Seven hundred and seventy-five (775) years before the Emancipation Proclamation freeing slaves in the United States 
There are of course many, many, and many again other important events in our history that could be added to this list. This list however, helps us to understand that important things happened before us - and many will happen after us. 

Whatever your profession or calling, you stand on the shoulders of those who came before you. If you work in higher education as I do, your particular institution likely has a rich history (some good and some not so good) that should help to guide your institution's future. Let me provide a couple of quick examples:

University of Minnesota, Morris - my undergraduate Alma mater - was originally an "Indian" school. In hindsight many would point out that "Indian" schools were created to help Native Americans assimilate into the growing European-American culture - and do away with the original cultures of these people. With its history in mind, students of Native American descent attend UMM tuition free. 

Gustavus Adolphus College (MN) - a place I worked for 10 years - was founded by Swedish, Lutheran immigrants so the new arrivals would be educated to meet the needs of the new world. For more than 150 years the small college has valued justice (along with other values). Today when students, staff, and faculty discuss the meanings of 'diversity,' 'multiculturalism,' and 'justice,' they remember that they began as an immigrant school.

So my questions for you: 

  • What do you know about your institution's history (your school, business, non-profit)?
  • What are your institution's espoused and lived values - and how were they adopted?
  • What can be learned from this history and the formation of these values?
  • How should your institution's history and values guide your work and does it
It is still early enough in 2013 to call this the beginning, and it is certainly the beginning of a new semester or quarter in higher ed. 
  • Now is the time to look back and look forward. 
  • Now is the time to add to the list of important events like the ones you see above. 
  • Now is the time to know that important events are both large and small - and they are all important.

Now is the time - so here is to our Community of Teachers and Scholars - our Universitas Magistrorum et Scholarium. Have a great
