Sunday, December 16, 2012

Loss in Newtown~

A good many people have already commented on the horrific lost of life in the small town of Newton, Connecticut - and a good many more will add their thoughts, opinions, and theories from now until another such event happens. That is hard to say - that this will likely happen again - but unless we as a nation decide to do something courageous - it will happen again.

This note however is not about the politics of the 2nd Amendment - but I may share Some Thoughts Concerning the topic at a later date.

When I heard the news about what happened in Newton - I simply could not believe it - I did not want to believe it. That is what I kept saying to myself the entire way home - "I can't believe it, children. I can't believe it, kids. I can't believe it, an elementary school. I just can't believe it."

Most who will read this know that I have three wonderful kids - Emily who is in middle school - and Max & Sophie who are both in elementary school. My Sophie is 7 years old - the same age as many of those beautiful children who were lost this week. Every weekday she sits in a 1st grade classroom - like everyone of those beautiful children who will not unwrap their gifts this holiday season. My Sophie~

I cannot imagine how horrible this is for the parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, teachers - for those now former classmates - in some way children no more.... I am so, so sorry for your loss. The President is right - our hearts are broken. I'm so sorry...

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Oh Captain, my Captain~

There is this incredible book – a book I have shared with very few - those who I believe truly understand what it means to be an educatorto live the great leadership question: how do we make everything more personal?  As I consider what it means to be “the new guy,” I borrow some from this work of art to share my thoughts~  Thank you Mr. Whyte.

“Oh Captain, my Captain” For Whitman this was a cry to Lincoln to be the stabilizing, organizing force the country so desperately needed at the time. 

Don’t we all need a captain of sorts? Someone to rely on - someone who will take care of us without making it too obvious - someone to wake in the night and do what needs to be done? And when times are tough, someone to step to the front and take the blame when everything goes wrong – shielding his or her crew?

Whenever we attempt something difficult there is always a sense that we have to wake some giant slumbering inside ourselves, some greater force yet hidden from us. We look to be better by looking for a better version of ourselves~  I am looking.

I am the new guy, well “a” new guy. For some I imagine that I am now the Captain – but a captain cannot succeed alone. Each of us must find our own “Captaincy,” wake that giant and choose to say YES as loudly as we say no. 

I understand that I have been selected to be a Captain – but not “the” Captain. I understand that I have a responsibility for the success of my crew – but I am not alone. I understand that I matter – but more importantly, they matter…   Help them know that they matter~

There is a couch

It was early - very early in the morning. The phone rang about 1:30 this morning - then I had to call parents about their son who had been taken to the hospital. I couldn't go back to sleep - go figure...  Too many thoughts of the student, those parents shaken out of bed by my phone call, their worries, thoughts of the worries I have about my own children - as well as plenty of other thoughts about my job.

My job, my work, my vocation, my 7:30-5:15 with lunch at my desk and evenings after my kids go to bed job, my calling...

Back in Minnesota, there is a couch. It sits in a small office with one window up on the hill in St. Peter. Many people know the couch- In my time with the couch, it served many uses - storage shelf, coloring table, sorting machine, footrest, hiding place, meeting room, Sabbath space, study nook...

Most of the time however, it was a safe place. Many have shared their joys, their sorrows, their anger and frustration, their secrets, their dreams - their hearts - on the couch. Many have called it magic - some I imagine, have quietly cursed having had to sit there~

I am thankful so many found time to sit on the couch - to share outside of themselves all that they were living....  I treasure every moment  and I hope those who have known the couch have benefited from their time with it. My 10 years with the couch is a gift I can never repay~

Here in Colorado, there is a couch...