Sunday, April 14, 2013

This thing with spring

First of the Autumn Blaze Maple 

There is, as you might imagine, this thing with spring. After a long winter everyone is anxiously searching for signs that spring is actually a thing. 

Spring is also a time when many are sharing what have become the traditional notions spring. We hear talk of 'rebirth,' 'a fresh start,' 'a new beginning,' and so on. 

For those who work in Higher Education, or Education at any level for that matter, spring is most certainly welcome - but welcomed as a sign of the end. 

Semesters and quarters are drawing to a close, summer plans are being made, and soon our students will be ours no more.

With the end in sight, how about a different beginning?

Crabapple Tree Blossoms
Take time to look back- We learn by doing and I'm certain that you have done a lot this year. What have you learned? Where did you succeed - and why? How did you crash and burn - but what can you pick out of the ashes? Take the time now to look back, reflect on your year, and learn.

Be proactive and do it now- Did you just finish professional staff hiring? Evaluate, redesign, and rewrite now. Did you review your RA selection question right after you finished? Have you looked over your lesson plans lately? What about your professional or student staff training. You should have applied your lessons learning eight months ago. If you wait until you need it again, you have wasted a year.

Be thankful- Like every year, I'm guessing that you have had great days - and those days that were much less than grand. Be thankful. We have seen many of our students grow - and some fail. Be thankful. We have worked with some incredible colleagues - and maybe a few who have growing to do. Be thankful.

We all have things to learn. Take time to reflect, put what you have learned into practice now, and be thankful. Happy Spring.

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